July 15, 2012

A Little Family Time

Well another week has come & gone... it's hard to believe there's only 2 more full weeks in July.. Where has the summer gone already?! The week was kind of a long & busy week for Bradley & I.

-My mom & I had a Lia Sophia party this week! It was a great time looking at all the gorgeous jewelry! My sisters and I had a blast picking out alllllll the jewelry that we wanted. It was a great evening spent with some great friends. 

-My sister Courtney turned 22 this week! 22! It's hard to believe that she's 22 already. She's become such an amazing, hard working, fun young woman. She's a blast to hang out with & she's one of my best friends. I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful relationship with both of my sisters. I know that we'll always have each others backs.

a picture of my dad & I with Courtney the she was born! 22 year ago

-Friday night Bradley & I went to the Brewer game! Probably the BEST Brewer game I've been to in a loooong time! It was create-your-own sign night! Brad and I decorated one.. my sign said "Go Brewers" and Bradley's said "What She Said" with a big arrow pointing to mine. We made the BIG SCREEN at the game with our signs! Score! We also saw a row of people being escorted out by the police, some drunk people spilling their beers on the people in front of them, and the Brewers came back to win with a grand slam in the bottom of the 8th. We also got to enjoy tailgating with my parents and sisters before the game.

-Saturday we went to Lifest! It's a big Christian musical festival here in Oshkosh. We saw a couple bands and spent some time with my aunt, my uncle & aunt, my grandma and some family friends. It was a nice enjoyable afternoon. We then headed to my parents house to hang out! 

-Today we went to my mother-in-law's to go swimming and visit with her for a little bit. It was nice relaxing afternoon spent swimming and catching up. Once we got home we spent the rest of the evening catching up on house chores & watching movies! Yay to relaxing evenings with the hubby & puppy!

This week was truly a great week spent with family during most of the spare moments. It's nice to spend time with family and catch up on all the happenings in every body's life. 

After all, when it's all said & done, family will always be there for ya right?

XoXo- Tiffany

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