August 30, 2012

All Tatted Up!

Well, on Monday, I officially joined the "tattoo people" group. My sister Chelsey & I went out and got "semi" matching tattoos. My sisters and I have always loved the idea of getting a "sister" tattoo- there's just one  slight problem.... My sister Courtney isn't too fond of tattoos. Whelp! Chelsey & I weren't letting that stop us, so Monday night we went and got our sister tattoos.

This is the first tattoo for both us. We got them on our right feet... Let me tell 'ya... when the guy was doing the outline of the tattoo--- WOWZA! Did that hurt! When he was doing the coloring though, it didn't hurt as bad. :] Chelsey went first and then me, we both listened to her ipod, just jamming out, while the guy was doing the tattoo.

The tattoo is three daisies on our foot. Each flower is the color of one of our birth months. Mine is February [purple]... Courtney is July [red].... and Chelsey is December [blue]. We made the middle flower slightly bigger and that's where we put our own birth month color. Hence the reason mine is purple... and Chelsey's is blue. Other then that, they're the same tattoo.

Here's some pictures:

Let's Do This! 

Allll done!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! We will be in good ol' Hortonville helping my amazing grandparents celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary!

XoXo- Tiffany

August 27, 2012

Color Run & Pre-Wedding Festivities!

On Friday night my sister Chelsey & I did the Color Run! It's a 5K (3 miles) run/walk held in many citites over the country. As the Color Run website ( puts it:

".....the 3 miles of the Color Run course will be the most memorable and colorful run of your life! Each kilometer of the event is associated with a designated color: yellow, orange, pink, or blue.  As the runners/walkers reach the Kilometer COLOR RUN Zones, they are blitzed by our volunteers, sponsors, and staff with COLOR." 

The Milwaukee event was held at Miller Park. There was around 10,000 runners/walkers in attendance. It was literally the funniest & most unique run/walk I'll probably ever do! Here's some pictures from the event:  

before the 5K--- all nice & clean*

3rd K!- color Orange

we're done! at the finish/color mess!

Colors everywhere!

*All Colored*

We did it!


After all of that craziness on Friday night, I then had a bridal shower for Brad's cousin's fiance on Saturday and bachelorette party for a co-worker. It was a fun and busy day! On Saturday night I came home & crashed! I was exhausted. Sunday was spent relaxing and enjoying the time spent with Brad & Dixie. 

It's going to be another busy & eventful week! It's move up week at school, my sister Chelsey & I are getting a tattoo, & my grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary party is this weekend. Can't wait to see what's all going to happen. :]

XoXo- Tiffany

August 22, 2012

A Little Lake R&R

Over the weekend Bradley & I went to Waupaca to stay with Barb (my m.i.l.) at the cottage she rents. I've been going up there for a day or two with Bradley since we started dating (ooohh.. 9 years ago! [[where has the time gone!?]]). It was a nice relaxing weekend, just hanging out and enjoying the gorgeous weather that Wisconsin (sometimes) has to offer.

-Friday night we went up sometime after work. Brad's brother Matt & his girlfriend Nicole were up there for the day. We spent time down on the dock by the lake, watching Brad & Matt goof off in the kayak. After that it was ice cream time! We always go to Scoopers for the some delicious Cedar Creek Ice Cream! I have my favorite ice cream- Mackinac Island Fudge! <3 It's to diiieee for. However, they only had Mint Mackinac Island Fudge, instead of the regular kind. It still tasted just as delicious though!

-Saturday morning Bradley & I got up & went fishing! Brad caught a bass- 20 inches or something? Then.. I caught a Northern! Brad said it was around 22 inches.. I was still pretty excited! That was the first northern I've caught... Brad wouldn't let me bring the camera with though so we have no photo evidence of the fish. Lame-o. We went into Waupaca and went to Art in the Park and walked around looking at all the cute "tourist" shops. Back at the cottage we hung out at the dock, reading books, sleeping, and swimming in the super cold water. Bbbrrr! We went fishing again Saturday night & I caught a bass.

-Sunday morning was spent fishing, Bradley caught a bass. We had two fish break both of our lines and steal our hooks/bait. Next year fish- BEWARE! I'm coming for you! ;] After fishing it was time to pack up and head home!

It was a great weekend! Lots of time spent talking with family, reading books, and relaxing in the summer sun! A great way to spend the weekend! Here's some pictures of our amazing weekend!


"what do you see dad?!"

"No thanks Mom. I think I'll stay over here.."

"oook.. i come get you!"

Summer Essentials: Towel. Water. Book.

my little fishie!

hehe. Bradley's little guy that was barely on the hook!

XoXo- Tiffany

August 16, 2012

Catching a breather...

This week has been a nice week where I feel live I've had time to just stop & breathe. Last weekend Bradley & I didn't do much- hung out at home, cleaned, watched Dawson's Creek, played with Dixie, and went to the Winnebago County Fair.

-on a side note---> Brad & I have this "bucket list goal" that we're going to go to all of the county fairs in Wisconsin. So far we've gone to 2. I know, I know, we're not even close to being done.. or even half way on the list... but it's a nice bucket list and we're averaging one county fair a summer so far. It is pretty fun to get out to other parts of the state and see places we haven't been to.

The Winnebago County fair was a good time though! We went and looked at all the animals- horses, cows, pigs, chickens, rabbits, sheep, and goats [my favorite!!]. We supported the local 4-H and got subs from their food stand [instead of the horribly greasy fair food at all the other stands]. For the better part of the afternoon we went to 3 Dock Dog competitions. Tho dogs were very adorable and have some major jumping skills! Sshheesh! It was really fun to watch though. We watched the pig races & watched some horse racing. It was a very relaxing Saturday afternoon.

The rest of the week has been pretty boring... I feel like I've been working non stop between work and trainings. I'm ready for a relaxing weekend to let my body rest. Which is hopefully what I'm going to get... Brad & I are going to Waupaca to spend the weekend with my m.i.l. Barb at a cottage she rents every year. I'm excited to relax on the dock, work on my tan, go fishing, and enjoy some ice cream! 

Here's to a great weekend ahead...

XoXo- Tiffany

August 11, 2012

First Year- Hardest Year?

Someone recently asked Brad & I if we thought that our first year of marriage was hard.... Brad & I looked at each other & said, "Is it supposed to be?" The friend who asked is engaged and has been told that the first year of marriage is evidently one of the hardest years.

I guess I can [maybe] understand how the first year of marriage is supposed to be hard:

-living with someone is always an adjustment in the beginning.. you have to learn each others habits and figure out what your routines are going to be. For me, it was realizing that my husband could be playing Call of Duty and not even notice that 5 hours has gone by... for him? It's probably weird for him to see me laying on the couch with a book for 6 hours and not hear a thing he said to me.. I've had to get used to the face that after Brad shaves, he doesn't clean the whiskers out of the bathroom sink, he's had to realize I tend to leave the toilet seat cover up. It's an adjustment to realize you're the one who has to cook dinner now- not your mom... or to set a routine of who's going to go to bed when.. or who's sleeping on what side of the bed [when you've been sleeping in your own bed for 23 years- sharing with someone else can be pain.]

-for a woman, it might take some time to get used to having a new name. I've been married for over a year now and I still find myself saying "Tiffany Pritchard- errr.. I mean Tiffany Bogenschutz" or that sometimes I'll be writing my name and have to stop and start spelling B-o-g-e-n-s-c-h-u-t-z, just to make sure that I've spelled my last name correctly.

-remembering that it's not just you anymore.. it's not that Brad or I have to "ask" each other for permission to go have a guy/girls night out with friends.. but we do let the other person know where we'll be. It's about being considerate and letting the your significant other know what's going on. Regardless of how long you've dated someone, you never really had to let them know if you were going to have an impromptu dinner with someone in the middle of the day... but now that you're married- the other person might notice if you're not there to make them dinner. ;]

-vacations, holidays, shopping, pets, money children, house hold duties---> these are all examples of possible things married couples could fight about. I think it's important that people talk about these important topics before they get married. Brad & I were lucky enough to take a marriage class at our church before getting married. Every Sunday for 6 weeks we discussed all these issues and more. Brad & I found we agree on most things. :]

For Bradley & I- the first year of marriage has been a breeze. *knock on wood*  We haven't had too many disagreements, and when there has been something we tend to talk about it & compromise. We dated for 8 years before we got married, even when we were dating we weren't much of an arguing couple. During those 8 years we did a lot of growing up together. We discussed things and really learned everything about each other. 

I can say that the first year of marriage is an adjustment period. We didn't live together before so just getting used to that has been different. But it wasn't difficult or hard- it just needed to be done. If two people are willing to compromise and make things work then marriage shouldn't be hard. Yeah- over the years I'm sure we'll have our disagreements, fights, and I'm sure there will be times we probably won't be able to stand each other. But I think if we remember why we got married in the first place- because we love each other & he's my best friend- then I think every year will be as easy as the first year. Maybe I'm just being optimistic, (some people may even tell me I'm being naive) but I know that with God, hard work, and not giving up- every year will be a blessing.

Here's a picture I found on pinterest today... if only everyone could remember this.

Here are some of my favorite verses in the Bible on marriage:

"Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,'  and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh' ?  So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate." -Matthew 19:4-6

Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.  For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. -Ephesians 5:22-23

XoXo- Tiffany

August 6, 2012

It's Already August?!

I looked at the calendar today and thought "I can't believe it's already August!"... where has my summer gone?! Bradley & I have a ridiculously busy September and October coming... I think we're busy 7 out of 9 weekends.. before I know it, it'll be November & time for the holidays.

Last weekend Bradley & I went to a family get together to celebrate Brad's cousin's new baby! She's the cutest little girl- Kallie. :] Kallie was born in June, but her family lives in Minnesota. Brad's other cousin also had a baby the beginning of July. It was wonderful to get to see everyone and to meet the newest additions to the Plutz family!

Baby Kallie! isn't her flower bow the cutest?!

Baby Samuel! he's so tiny!

Life lately seems to be taking a little breather from business.. until of course September! Brad & I have basically been watching 24/7 Olympics coverage.. We did go to the Catfish races back home last weekend. It was fun to get out there and bet on the catfish! Plus there was music and fireworks. We spent the evening enjoying the company of my parents and my m.i.l Barb. It was great to be able to hang out for a bit.

I'm off to play with Dixie Mae. She's anxiously waiting by my feet with a tennis ball in her mouth.

XoXo- Tiffany

Olympic Mania

I don't know about your house.. but Brad & I have been "glued" to the tv each night the last week cheering & rooting on Team USA in the Olympics. So many great things have happened- winning Gymnastic gold in team & Gabby Douglas in the individual.. Phelps & his medal count.. winning our first medal in the team Fencing... all the other major swimming events (like Missy Franklin)... and all the amazing things going on in volleyball, beach volleyball, tennis, and basketball! I'm so pumped for the remaining week of the events!

Go Team USA! :]

 XoXo- Tiffany

August 1, 2012

Too Much Thinking

Do you ever have one of those days... or in my case week where nothing seems to be going your way? That's how I've been feeling all week. I'm not looking for a pity party or someone to feel bad & tell me that everything is going to be ok... I'm just looking to write down my frustrations & hoping that by talking (typing) about will get me out of the "funk" I've been feeling.

I'm not even sure what exactly is "eating away" at me...  something seems to be tugging away. I've been feeling super cranky, trying to rush into things hoping they'll make me happy, not being as supportive, & just down right feeling like nothing I do will ever be good enough for some people.

-on a side note please be aware that none of this has to do with my marriage with Brad. He's absolutely amazing- tells me he loves me any chance he can and will do anything in his power to see me happy. He's my life line some days & without him I'd be lost-

my goal for the remaining week... & for the future:

1 Chronicles 16:11
Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.

XoXo- Tiffany