August 6, 2012

It's Already August?!

I looked at the calendar today and thought "I can't believe it's already August!"... where has my summer gone?! Bradley & I have a ridiculously busy September and October coming... I think we're busy 7 out of 9 weekends.. before I know it, it'll be November & time for the holidays.

Last weekend Bradley & I went to a family get together to celebrate Brad's cousin's new baby! She's the cutest little girl- Kallie. :] Kallie was born in June, but her family lives in Minnesota. Brad's other cousin also had a baby the beginning of July. It was wonderful to get to see everyone and to meet the newest additions to the Plutz family!

Baby Kallie! isn't her flower bow the cutest?!

Baby Samuel! he's so tiny!

Life lately seems to be taking a little breather from business.. until of course September! Brad & I have basically been watching 24/7 Olympics coverage.. We did go to the Catfish races back home last weekend. It was fun to get out there and bet on the catfish! Plus there was music and fireworks. We spent the evening enjoying the company of my parents and my m.i.l Barb. It was great to be able to hang out for a bit.

I'm off to play with Dixie Mae. She's anxiously waiting by my feet with a tennis ball in her mouth.

XoXo- Tiffany

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