September 25, 2012

Where have the weeks gone?!

It's hard to think that it's going to be October next Monday already... Where has September gone!? It's been awhile since I've written an "actual" post about life lately... it's been pretty busy & I've just come down with cold. I don't feel like doing anything! .....But life must go one right?! & I'm sure I'll get over this cold very soon!

The past couple weeks have been very busy.

-Brad & I went to Hortonville a couple weeks ago to house sit for my parents while they went to Florida for the weekend. It was a nice little trip "home" even though it was just us and my sister Courtney. I had to work Saturday morning so Friday night was pretty low key. Then Saturday we went to visit with Barb & had dinner at her place! Sunday we were able to join my Grandmother at church, and then headed to her house to have lunch with her and my Papa. After lunch, Papa took Brad & I to visit "his" cows. My grandfather has two cows that he co-owns [[we don't get too attached to the baby cows- they'll be our food come spring...]] But the cows are pretty cute && there's baby pigs too! So precious!

-This past weekend we went to Milwaukee for the wedding of one of Brad's fraternity brothers Dan & his [new] wife Kristi! We headed down to Milwaukee and were able to meet up with my bestie Brittany and her fiance Andrew. Ellis joined along in the fun! We went to the old German Beer Hall and had some delicious German beer and German pretzels! Yumm! Saturday was Dan & Kristi's wedding. It was so beautiful! They both look happy & amazing. It was wonderful to see so many of Brad's fraternity brothers and other friends from college. Weddings are truly mini reunions for people.  After a long night of dancing, drinking, and laughing with friends, Sunday was spent sleeping and relaxing.

After everything going on the past couple weeks I seem to have gotten a cold now also! I've been miserable the last couple days and want nothing more than to sleep.... which is where I'm headed now!

We have weddings the next two weekends.. My cousin Rob's this weekend & a co-workers next weekend.. so I need to get better fast!
Medicine and my bed are my new best friends. :]

XoXo- Tiffany!

September 18, 2012

Me, Myself & I LinkUP [[September Edition]]

I found ANOTHER fun link up in the blogger world! I love getting to read other people's answers and finding out what makes them unique and an individual.

Here's the link if you'd like to join the fun!

So here you go... Me. Myself. && I. [[the September edition]]

1. When you're feeling down, what do you do to pick yourself up?
Depending on how "down" I'm feeling it ranges from ---> watching Disney movies, cuddling with my dog Dixie Mae, eating ice cream, crying while my husband cuddles with me, do a craft project, or go shopping.

2. If you had to live in a different time period which would you prefer?

I swear that I should have been born in the 1980's. The big hair. Neon colors. Madonna. Queen. Run DMC. I'm addicted to 80's movies Pretty in Pink, the Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Sixteen Candles, Valley Girl.
the year I was an 80's girl for Halloween

3. What is the most creative Halloween costume you've ever worn?

Halloween is my favorite holiday. I love love love getting dressed up! Some years I really try to think of different things to be. I've been a "babe magnet"... an 80's girl... a dalmatian... && Thing 1 [my husband was Thing 2] in the last 5 years...
Babe Magnet

The Dalmatian, the Farmer, & the Pirate

Thing 1 && Thing 2

4. Five weird things about you we wouldn't know without being told?

1. I love salt. My food normally isn't salty enough, I add salt to almost everything.
2. I put peanut butter on my waffles/french toast/pancakes.
3. I was a cheerleader for almost 10 years. && I was in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.
4. I only eat & write left handed. Everything else I do right handed.
5. When I was little my sisters & I weren't allowed to get our hair cut too short. My dad wasn't too fond of little girls with "boy" hair. I'm thankful for it now-- I <3 having long hair. [[most days]]

5. What would you tell your 16-year-old self?
-Don't let anyone tell you that dating "one guy" too long isn't a good idea. That guy is going to be your husband, && make you the happiest you've ever been.
-Stay true to yourself. Don't waste your time on "friends" that expect you to do everything there way. They aren't worth it in the end.
-Listen to your parents. They're trying to make you realize your better then you think you are. && they're helping you grow into a better woman.
-Pay attention in school. Even if you think the subject is "dumb", you never know what information you'll need one day.

XoXo- Tiffany!

September 16, 2012

Double Blue && Gold :]

I "officially" have two double sisters! I'm a member of Alpha Xi Delta [[the best sorority around- but I'm a little bias ;]....]]. Joining Alpha Xi Delta my freshman year of college was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I met the most amazing women, gained so many friends, gained leadership experience, experienced working with a team, lived [[&& survived living]] in a house with 7 other women, and joined a sisterhood that was started in 1893 by 10 amazing young women. There are 116 active chapters in the United States and roughly 150,000 initiated members. The vision of AXiD is "inspiring women to realize their potential." I can honestly say that I wouldn't be the woman I am today without Alpha Xi Delta.

My sister Courtney joined AXiD in fall of 2009. I was super excited that she had decided to go through recruitment. We both went to Marian and I was still an active [[undergrad]] member of AXiD at the time. I was EXTRA nervous the entire week- what if she didn't pick AXiD? But no fear- the women were super impressed with her, and she was impressed with Alpha Xi Delta! Yay! :] When they announced her name on bid day- [Courtney Pritchard ---> Alpha Xi Delta!] I cried. I was so excited that my sister was my DOUBLE sister! That she would be joining the amazing sorority that had already helped me grow in so many ways. I'm super proud of Courtney for her involvement in our chapter. I know that her and all the women have worked so hard to make the Theta Tau chapter an amazing organization. They're doing a great job! I'm going to be a little sad when Courtney goes alum!

Theta Tau Chapter at Alpha Xi Delta ---> circa 2009.

Double Sisters throwin' some "Xi Love"

Well... change the year to 2012 and you have the same situation with Chelsey. Except Chelsey goes to UW-Eau Claire. I talked with Chelsey about joining Greek life before she transferred to Eau Claire this year. It's a new school and joining Greek life is a GREAT way to meet new people on campus and become active in the school community. We talked every night this week during recruitment week, mainly just to see if she had questions about anything. Every night she was super excited- telling me how nice the girls were and how excited she was for the whole process. On Saturday afternoon she text me the best news! ---> "I'm an alpha xi! yay!". I was sooo excited! I'm still excited. I know that she's going to have a great time with the chapter and with Alpha Xi Delta in general. I can't wait to watch her grow into a great woman.

Chelsey is in the bottom row. Second from left. [[she has dark hair and is in the white shorts]]

Chelsey's chapter at UW-Eau Claire. Congrats ladies!

So congrats to Chelsey on joining the best sisterhood! And yay to Courtney & I for getting another DOUBLE sister!

In the spirit of recruitment... a little Alpha Xi Delta love to leave you with......

With an A, With an A, With an A-L-P 
With an A-L-P and a P-H-A
With an A-L-P and a P-H-A 
Alllllllpha Xi! 
Sing it, Sing it, Sing it, Sing it, Sing it to the sky 
Come on sisters, Come on Sisters, 
Shout till we die 
I'm so proud to be an Alpha Xi 

My Bid Day --- circa 2007

Me, Mindy & Brittany - best pledge class ever.

I hope that everyone has a fantastic week! Mine is going to be crazy busy! Eek!

XoXo! - Tiffany

September 10, 2012

Show & Tell ---> Babies!

Before people start to get too excited... please note that I'm NOT pregnant. Sorry!

I've been looking around tons of blogs lately trying to find fun little things that I can do too make my blogging more exciting and to keep me in the habit of blogging. I stumbled upon Show & Tells Mondays on this great blog over "From Mrs. to Mama".

I love reading her blog and thought her Show & Tells Mondays were great to read... so I decided to link up with it and do my own show & tell for the week!

So here it goes! Show & Tell: Babies!

1. Tell us your favorite baby names? Aside from your own babies, if you have some :)
   As more & more people are having babies with craZy, I don't want to pick a too "unique" or "original" name.. I love old school names... but still like names being a little "different". Here's my list of my "top" 4 names for kids.. [[this is my list as of today... don't be surprised if I don't name my kids one of these names..]]


2. Show me your "dream" nursery {can be your baby's nursery or one that you love}.

One boy nursery...
 Disney Nursery!

One girl....
Pinned Image

3. How many children would you like to have? How far apart?
   I have always.. always wanted to have a "big" family. There's nothing wrong with families that have one or two children... I've just never pictured myself with only have 2 or less. [[granted I know that this may all change once I actually start having children...]] I've always wanted 6 children... Brad & I can agree on 4 children... But it DOES have to be an even number... Because it sucks when you go to Disney world/Disneyland and there's an odd number of people. One person always has to sit by themselves. Not fun. So that's why I want an EVEN number. How far apart... I'm a bam bam bam kinda person... just pop them out within one to two years of each other...

4. Tell us what you think the importance of parenting is?
 The importance of parenting is to teach your children how to survive in the world. To be a great example of relationships with God, with other people, and with yourself. Parenting is teaching your child how to have fun, be silly, be adventurous but learn to be responsible, respectable, and  well mannered. Parenting is having a relationship with your child, being their parent and their authority while looking out for them and showing them the world; but still being their friend, having fun with them.

5. Show us your favorite newborn photo {can be your children or random}
  Love, love, love, LOVE newborn baby pictures! Here's some of my faves!

...because who doesn't love twins!?....
Property of Leah Islinger Photography

who doesn't love newborns in HATS?!
Property of Leah Islinger Photography

Property of Valeria Ann Photography

6.  Tell us some things you promise to never do as a parent {and if you are a parent, did you stick to it}
   I promise to never give up on my child... to help them in anything they're doing. I promise to always be there and to help guide them through life. And being the oldest child.. & having "oldest child syndrome"... I promise to make sure that the youngest children have the same rules & regulations [[curfews, boyfriends/girlfriends]] as the oldest child had!


XoXo- Tiffany

September 6, 2012

Missing My Dolly*

My family dog, Dolly passed away today... She was a 17 year old chihuahua. It's hard to think about going to my parents house tomorrow and her not being there.. I'm sure she's in doggy heaven and is resting in her favorite blanket with a bowl of ice cream.

I'm going to miss/Things I Loved about Dolly...

-sharing my ice cream with her.
-cuddling in blankets.
-her barking at Brad, because she didn't like him at first.
-playing tug with her.
-Dixie is going to miss following Dolly around, and Dolly ignoring her. :]

It's hard to think that 17 years ago, my parents brought Dolly home for us. I wanted to name her Precious, but my sisters were too little to say that so we named her Precious Dolly, and called her Dolly for short. She was so little she could fit in my then 7 year old hand.

<3 you Dolly! Thank you for all the wonderful memories and for being a great dog.

snuggle bug! [circa 2009]

with Dolly on my wedding day [2011]

chilling on the bed [2011]

XoXo- Tiffany

September 4, 2012

Celebrating 50 Years of Wedded Bliss!

Over the weekend my grandparents celebrated 50 years of wedded bliss! A huge milestone! My mom and my aunt Gail, with the help of many others planned a fantastic party to celebrate. Family members from all over the country [including my great aunts and uncles from Washington, North Carolina, and Michigan] came to celebrate. As well as many friends and neighbors from the area. We had pictures to showcase their life together, & my *amazing* husband Bradley put together a slideshow with all the pictures. It was wonderful to see my grandparents sitting there laughing and crying as they watched the slideshow of their journey. There was yummy food, gorgeous weather, fun times playing lawn games, and great fellowship with family and friends.

Saturday night after the party we spent more time at my grandparents house visiting with family members. Then Sunday we went to dinner with everyone before they all headed back home! It was great to see so many family members able to help my grandparents celebrate their day! With everyone living all over, it's hard to see everyone very often!

Here's some pictures to recap the great day!

my family!

cousins with Grandma & Papa

the happy couple!


my lovely husband!

cousin love!

Congrats to my Grandma & Papa on 50 years together! They're a great example of how to make a marriage work. No one is perfect- there fore no marriage is going to be perfect... Marriage is about being dedicated and making it work.

XoXo- Tiffany