September 16, 2012

Double Blue && Gold :]

I "officially" have two double sisters! I'm a member of Alpha Xi Delta [[the best sorority around- but I'm a little bias ;]....]]. Joining Alpha Xi Delta my freshman year of college was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I met the most amazing women, gained so many friends, gained leadership experience, experienced working with a team, lived [[&& survived living]] in a house with 7 other women, and joined a sisterhood that was started in 1893 by 10 amazing young women. There are 116 active chapters in the United States and roughly 150,000 initiated members. The vision of AXiD is "inspiring women to realize their potential." I can honestly say that I wouldn't be the woman I am today without Alpha Xi Delta.

My sister Courtney joined AXiD in fall of 2009. I was super excited that she had decided to go through recruitment. We both went to Marian and I was still an active [[undergrad]] member of AXiD at the time. I was EXTRA nervous the entire week- what if she didn't pick AXiD? But no fear- the women were super impressed with her, and she was impressed with Alpha Xi Delta! Yay! :] When they announced her name on bid day- [Courtney Pritchard ---> Alpha Xi Delta!] I cried. I was so excited that my sister was my DOUBLE sister! That she would be joining the amazing sorority that had already helped me grow in so many ways. I'm super proud of Courtney for her involvement in our chapter. I know that her and all the women have worked so hard to make the Theta Tau chapter an amazing organization. They're doing a great job! I'm going to be a little sad when Courtney goes alum!

Theta Tau Chapter at Alpha Xi Delta ---> circa 2009.

Double Sisters throwin' some "Xi Love"

Well... change the year to 2012 and you have the same situation with Chelsey. Except Chelsey goes to UW-Eau Claire. I talked with Chelsey about joining Greek life before she transferred to Eau Claire this year. It's a new school and joining Greek life is a GREAT way to meet new people on campus and become active in the school community. We talked every night this week during recruitment week, mainly just to see if she had questions about anything. Every night she was super excited- telling me how nice the girls were and how excited she was for the whole process. On Saturday afternoon she text me the best news! ---> "I'm an alpha xi! yay!". I was sooo excited! I'm still excited. I know that she's going to have a great time with the chapter and with Alpha Xi Delta in general. I can't wait to watch her grow into a great woman.

Chelsey is in the bottom row. Second from left. [[she has dark hair and is in the white shorts]]

Chelsey's chapter at UW-Eau Claire. Congrats ladies!

So congrats to Chelsey on joining the best sisterhood! And yay to Courtney & I for getting another DOUBLE sister!

In the spirit of recruitment... a little Alpha Xi Delta love to leave you with......

With an A, With an A, With an A-L-P 
With an A-L-P and a P-H-A
With an A-L-P and a P-H-A 
Alllllllpha Xi! 
Sing it, Sing it, Sing it, Sing it, Sing it to the sky 
Come on sisters, Come on Sisters, 
Shout till we die 
I'm so proud to be an Alpha Xi 

My Bid Day --- circa 2007

Me, Mindy & Brittany - best pledge class ever.

I hope that everyone has a fantastic week! Mine is going to be crazy busy! Eek!

XoXo! - Tiffany

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