September 10, 2012

Show & Tell ---> Babies!

Before people start to get too excited... please note that I'm NOT pregnant. Sorry!

I've been looking around tons of blogs lately trying to find fun little things that I can do too make my blogging more exciting and to keep me in the habit of blogging. I stumbled upon Show & Tells Mondays on this great blog over "From Mrs. to Mama".

I love reading her blog and thought her Show & Tells Mondays were great to read... so I decided to link up with it and do my own show & tell for the week!

So here it goes! Show & Tell: Babies!

1. Tell us your favorite baby names? Aside from your own babies, if you have some :)
   As more & more people are having babies with craZy, I don't want to pick a too "unique" or "original" name.. I love old school names... but still like names being a little "different". Here's my list of my "top" 4 names for kids.. [[this is my list as of today... don't be surprised if I don't name my kids one of these names..]]


2. Show me your "dream" nursery {can be your baby's nursery or one that you love}.

One boy nursery...
 Disney Nursery!

One girl....
Pinned Image

3. How many children would you like to have? How far apart?
   I have always.. always wanted to have a "big" family. There's nothing wrong with families that have one or two children... I've just never pictured myself with only have 2 or less. [[granted I know that this may all change once I actually start having children...]] I've always wanted 6 children... Brad & I can agree on 4 children... But it DOES have to be an even number... Because it sucks when you go to Disney world/Disneyland and there's an odd number of people. One person always has to sit by themselves. Not fun. So that's why I want an EVEN number. How far apart... I'm a bam bam bam kinda person... just pop them out within one to two years of each other...

4. Tell us what you think the importance of parenting is?
 The importance of parenting is to teach your children how to survive in the world. To be a great example of relationships with God, with other people, and with yourself. Parenting is teaching your child how to have fun, be silly, be adventurous but learn to be responsible, respectable, and  well mannered. Parenting is having a relationship with your child, being their parent and their authority while looking out for them and showing them the world; but still being their friend, having fun with them.

5. Show us your favorite newborn photo {can be your children or random}
  Love, love, love, LOVE newborn baby pictures! Here's some of my faves!

...because who doesn't love twins!?....
Property of Leah Islinger Photography

who doesn't love newborns in HATS?!
Property of Leah Islinger Photography

Property of Valeria Ann Photography

6.  Tell us some things you promise to never do as a parent {and if you are a parent, did you stick to it}
   I promise to never give up on my child... to help them in anything they're doing. I promise to always be there and to help guide them through life. And being the oldest child.. & having "oldest child syndrome"... I promise to make sure that the youngest children have the same rules & regulations [[curfews, boyfriends/girlfriends]] as the oldest child had!


XoXo- Tiffany

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