November 28, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving! (belated)

It's hard to believe that it's already Thanksgiving and the end of November! December is literally days away... This year Thanksgiving was a little different because for Brad & I, it's our last Thanksgiving as a married couple with no children. Next year we'll have an almost one year old along...

This year has been such a blessing that I wanted to really document all that I've been blessed with and everything that I'm thankful for.

  • My Bradley. He's my best friend and my everything. I'm so thankful for everything he does to provide for us and everything he does to make sure our lives are comfortable and that we're able to things we enjoy. He's such a hard worker, both at work and at home. He's always being silly and doing things to make me laugh. Brad knows everything there is to know about me- whenever I'm having a bad day, he knows how to make everything better. I've been blessed with marrying my best friend and I can't wait to see what the next year(s) have in store for us.
  • Baby Bogie! She's not even here yet and I'm already so in love with her! I can't wait for her to grace us with her presence, I'm excited to watch her grow and teach her things. We're already so blessed to have her in our lives and I'm excited for her arrival.
  • Dixie Mae & Clementine Blue- My first "babies", I'm such a dog lover and my dogs really are like my children. They're my snuggle buddies and if I could, I would take them with me wherever I go. Our dogs love us unconditionally and are always happy to be with us.
  • My family- I was blessed with the most amazing family ever. I'm thankful everyday for having such amazing parents, who are willing to help us and would do anything for us or my sisters. I have 2 amazing younger sisters, I love talking with them and I'm excited to see how God is going to bless their futures. I have a wonderful Grandma & Papa, aunts, uncles, cousins; Family is such a blessing. I love being able to spend time together, playing cards or cribbage and enjoying their company.
  • My in-law family- Marrying Brad gave me the opportunity to have wonderful additions to my family. Between my mother-in-law, father-in-law and brother-in-law (& future sister-in-law) I know that Brad and I are very blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives. We love spending time with them, enjoying each other's company.
  • Our jobs- This year I completed my Birth-Kindergarten license requirements, and I'm now a certified teacher from Birth-8th grade. I'm blessed to teach 4K with a wonderful co-teacher and our 36 students are amazing. I'm excited to see them grow the rest of the year! We're also blessed that Brad has a wonderful job, doing something he loves.
  • I'm also thankful for everyone's health and being able to enjoy each other's company. We've been blessed with many memories with family and opportunities to create more memories. I'm thankful for all of our friends and the times we're able to spend with them. We don't live too close to many of our friends, so any chance to get together is exciting.
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and you were able to spend time with your loved ones.
Xo, Tiffany 

36 Weeks!

How far along are you?: 36 weeks! 
How big is your baby?: the size of a honeydew
Total weight gain: 25ish pounds- I finally remembered to ask at my doctor appointment on Monday.

Sex: We're having a little GIRL!!
Maternity clothes: maternity pants every day, and shirts most days
  Sleep: sleep is going good- however I'm super sore whenever I wake up in the morning.
Symptoms: good ol' morning sickness and I'm pretty sore/tired by the end of the day.
Movement: feeling her moving around all day lately! best feeling ever.
Best moment this week: It was a nice 3 day week at work, went super fast. Went to the movies, and my mom came over and cleaned the entire house for us. So blessed to have such an amazing mom!
Food cravings: Not really any big cravings, just trying to stay away from some foods because they just simply don't sound appealing 

Belly button in or out: in! although it looks like it could start "popping" out at anytime
What I miss:  not being sore every time I move...
What I'm looking forward to: if I had written this post on my actual "36 weeks" day, I would have written it on Wednesday and my looking forward would have been looking forward to Thanksgiving! But I had dinner with some friends and then Thanksgiving came, so now I'm a couple days late. But this week I have my 37 week appointment on Monday and I'm hoping the doctor will give me some news on when to expect this lady!
Labor Signs: I wasn't checked at this past doctor appointment. I'm not really having any signs other than knowing that I'm already dilated 1.5 cm.
Xo, Tiffany 

November 21, 2014

My Baby Shower

I realized that I never posted pictures or anything from our baby shower. It was such a wonderful day and we were very blessed by all of the wonderful gifts we received. I had my baby shower at my work in our big large muscle area. My mom, mil, Grandma and Aunts did all of the food and helped with the decorating. We played a couple games and enjoyed spending time with family/friends celebrating our little lady! The shower had a "Winnie the Pooh" theme to go along with her nursery.

It was such a wonderful day and it was nice to see everyone. Our little girl was very spoiled! While I was having my baby shower, Brad's dad threw him a "Diaper BBQ" for the guys at his house. Brad had a great time celebrating with his family and friends. We were able to get a nice little stock of diapers too! :]

So glad we are blessed with such amazing family and friends. Baby Bogie is already so loved!

Xo, Tiffany

35 Weeks With Baby Bogie!

How far along are you?: 35 weeks! 
How big is your baby?: the size of a coconut
Total weight gain: 17 lbs.

Sex: We're having a little GIRL!!
Maternity clothes: maternity pants every day, and shirts most days
  Sleep: sleep is going good- however I'm super sore whenever I wake up in the morning.
Symptoms: good ol' morning sickness and I'm pretty sore/tired by the end of the day.
Movement: feeling her moving around all day lately! best feeling ever.
Best moment this week: We were able to do absolutely nothing this past weekend. We put up our Christmas Tree and our Christmas decorations. After that we spent a nice relaxing Sunday simply doing laundry and watching Criminal Minds allllllllll day. I LOVED IT!
Food cravings: Not really any big cravings, just trying to stay away from some foods because they just simply don't sound appealing 

Belly button in or out: in! although it looks like it could start "popping" out at anytime
What I miss:  not being sore every time I move...
What I'm looking forward to: this weekend my mom is coming over to help me clean and get the house all ready for our little girl's arrival. & we'll be seeing the Hunger Games with my sister Courtney, plus we have a birthday party for my aunt on Sunday. Such a busy weekend!
Labor Signs: I had a doctor appointment this week and they start being weekly from here on out! I was already 1.5 cm dilated; yes, yes, I know that many women can be that dilated for weeks, but it's still very excited to have 1.5 cm "down" and only 8.5 cm to go! Lol. My doctor also told me that I'm "thinner than normal" and he's betting that I don't make it to my due date. Obviously he didn't say how early he was "guessing" but it's very exciting to think that she'll probably be here before Christmas! That's also a bit stressful to think about because that means she could really come anytime in the next 5 weeks... ready or not she'll be here before we know it! 
Xo, Tiffany 

November 14, 2014

34 Weeks

How far along are you?: 34 weeks! 
How big is your baby?: the size of a butternut squash
Total weight gain: 13 lbs.

Sex: We're having a little GIRL!!
Maternity clothes: maternity pants every day, and shirts some days
  Sleep: sleep is going good- however I'm super sore whenever I wake up in the morning.
Symptoms: good ol' morning sickness and I'm pretty sore/tired by the end of the day.
Movement: feeling her moving around all day lately! best feeling ever.
Best moment this week: Nothing too exciting happened this week. We had a very unexciting weekend at home last weekend, cleaned/did laundry/finished the last couple things in the baby room. The fact that we did absolutely nothing was sooo nice though and it was a very much needed weekend at home.
Food cravings: Hmm... no real cravings.

Belly button in or out: in! 
What I miss:  not being sore every time I move...
What I'm looking forward to: we're going to be putting up Christmas decorations this weekend and next weekend. I'm normally very adamant that nothing goes up before Thanksgiving, but Thanksgiving is soo late and I'd like everything done before December.
Xo, Tiffany 

November 6, 2014

33 Weeks with Baby Bogie!

How far along?: 33 weeks!
How big is your baby?: the size of a durian fruit
Total weight gain: 13 lbs.

Sex: We're having a little GIRL!!
Maternity clothes: maternity pants every day, and shirts some days
  Sleep: sleep is going good- however I'm super sore whenever I wake up in the morning.
Symptoms: more tired & morning sickness. blaaaahhh
Movement: feeling her moving around all day lately! best feeling ever.
Best moment this week: We had our baby class this week and I had my breastfeeding class. Having the baby class seemed to make everything feel more "real." It was exciting to have the hospital tour and see where delivery was and where we'd be staying after. The class was very informative and I know that Brad & I felt really comfortable with things after. My breastfeeding class was very informative also and gave lots of helpful tips and ideas (I thought anyways... we'll see how it goes ;] )
Food cravings: no real cravings, ice cream & milk always sounds good. :]

Belly button in or out: in! 
What I miss:  not being so sore. Lol
What I'm looking forward to: the next couple weekends are finalllllly "at home weekends." We're pretty much done in the baby room but it will be nice to stay home and not be running around. I have parent teacher conferences the next two weeks so my week nights will be busy! The next big thing though is Thanksgiving and I'm looking forward to spending time with family before baby comes. :]
Xo, Tiffany