November 28, 2014

36 Weeks!

How far along are you?: 36 weeks! 
How big is your baby?: the size of a honeydew
Total weight gain: 25ish pounds- I finally remembered to ask at my doctor appointment on Monday.

Sex: We're having a little GIRL!!
Maternity clothes: maternity pants every day, and shirts most days
  Sleep: sleep is going good- however I'm super sore whenever I wake up in the morning.
Symptoms: good ol' morning sickness and I'm pretty sore/tired by the end of the day.
Movement: feeling her moving around all day lately! best feeling ever.
Best moment this week: It was a nice 3 day week at work, went super fast. Went to the movies, and my mom came over and cleaned the entire house for us. So blessed to have such an amazing mom!
Food cravings: Not really any big cravings, just trying to stay away from some foods because they just simply don't sound appealing 

Belly button in or out: in! although it looks like it could start "popping" out at anytime
What I miss:  not being sore every time I move...
What I'm looking forward to: if I had written this post on my actual "36 weeks" day, I would have written it on Wednesday and my looking forward would have been looking forward to Thanksgiving! But I had dinner with some friends and then Thanksgiving came, so now I'm a couple days late. But this week I have my 37 week appointment on Monday and I'm hoping the doctor will give me some news on when to expect this lady!
Labor Signs: I wasn't checked at this past doctor appointment. I'm not really having any signs other than knowing that I'm already dilated 1.5 cm.
Xo, Tiffany 

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