October 16, 2012

Me, Myself, && I LinkUp [[October Edition]]

Me, Myself & I ---> October.

1. What is your favorite season and why?
Seasons. I literally love every season! It's hard for me to pick one.

Fall: I have a soft spot for fall. I love the changing in the weather, being able to wear sweaters && boots, I love apples, pumpkins, any fall decoration. I loooove leaves- & I mean I LOVE leaves. I'm 24 years old & could spend an entire weekend raking leaves and jumping into the pile.

Spring: I love rain. && I love getting to see flowers start blooming and everything starting to "come back to life" after a Wisconsin winter.

Summer: I love warm weather. Wearing flip flops. Shorts. Spending the weekend on the beach/on the lake. Camping. Bonfires. Music festivals. Reading books at the park.

Winter: There's no winter like a Wisconsin winter. I promise. I lived in North Carolina & Arizona when I was younger (along with some time spent living in Pennsylvania & California) but I loooove living in Wisconsin. & I even love the snow. I love drinking hot chocolate. Sledding. Christmas & Thanksgiving are in the winter, and those are my favorite holidays. Listening to Christmas music.

So for me, it's really hard to pick just one season that I love- because I really do love them all.

2. Talk about a moment that changed your life.
Getting married. Before I got married, I still lived at home with my parents. Other than going to college & living in the dorms/sorority house, I've always lived at home. The only guys I've ever lived with have been my dad and my Papa, so living with Brad in the beginning was MAJOR culture shock. Boys are just different than girls. When I got married, I was suddenly a "grown up" with a big responsibilities. I was someone's "wife"... I wouldn't change getting married for anything in the world. I love being married to Bradley. Every day is a new adventure. We've been married since June 2011 (a year and a half-ish) and I still wake up every morning/go to bed every night thanking God that he brought Brad to my life.

3. If you could be any Crayola Crayon color, what color would you be?
Royal Purple. I'm big on purple right now.

4. Describe yourself as a superhero. Name? Sidekick?

My super hero name would be... Night Woman... something along those lines. Not very catchy I know... but that's what first came to my mind... I'm horribly scared of the dark and the "creepers" that lurk out there, so my power would be night vision, the ability to see anything & everything at night. I also really want the ability to freeze things with my eyes... My sidekick? Nightman? ;]

5. If you had all the money in the world, but could only shop at 3 stores, which ones would they be?
3 stores... well I looove Maurice's, Sears, & Victoria's Secret. 

 XoXo- Tiffany

October 9, 2012

FaLLing into Fall

It's hard to believe that we're already in the second week of October! Where has the time gone?! As many of you know, the end of September into the end of October seems to be "wedding season" for Bradley & I right now. We had Brad's fraternity brother Dan's wedding a couple weeks ago, my cousin Rob's wedding two weeks, my co-worker Adria's wedding last weekend, and Brad's cousin Josh's wedding in two weeks. To sum it up, it's been about a month of non stop running around Wisconsin. I loooooove weddings don't get me wrong... I just seem to feel like I haven't even enjoyed a weekend at home with my husband in a looooong time. And it really has been... good thing I LOVE weddings though! I said in a previous post that weddings are like "mini reunions." They really are! You get to see people you don't see every day, catch up on life, watch two people madly in love join their lives together, and enjoy a day of hanging out with people you're blessed to know.

Congrats to Dan & Kristi, Rob & TeriJo, Jasom & Adria, and [[a little early]] congrats to Josh & Tara! Wishing you all many blessed years to come! Thank you for including Bradley & I in your special days.

Here's some pictures to recap the wedding craziness that has been happening!
my husband! <3


Courtney, My mom, My Grandma & I
my mother-in-law Barb with Brad & I

Not only have we been wedding busy, but we've also been busy, busy. I feel like we've been busy with work, we're still looking at houses [{trying to find the perfect house to be our "first" house together is hard work.]] I haven't even decorated for fall yet! And if you know me, you know that I LOVE any reason to decorate! I love having cute little decorations around the house, it gives the house a more "festive" feeling. Brad & I did however go to the annual Greenville Fall Fair over this weekend. My mom & grandma have been going for years and I just started going last year. It has *tons* of vendors selling house decorations, mittens, food, doll clothes, purses, outside decorations, bird baths, etc. I love looking at all of the fall and Christmas decorations! The fair officially starts at 9am... but seriously my mom, grandma, and I get there at 8am and starting buying things. Please don't think we're the crazy ones... there's tons of other people already buying things... and yes, yes, I know, not all of the vendors are set up yet.. but if they're not quite ready they'll tell to please come back... right? Last year I got some beautiful Christmas/snowman decorations! I'll post pictures when the Christmas season is upon us.... this year though it was all about fall decorations! Brad does put me on a budget, otherwise he knows I'll just buy everything that I want! Here's some pictures of my cute fall decorations that I got! I looove them!

I hope that everyone's fall is starting off nicely! It's getting a little colder around here and I've been wearing sweatshirts/sweaters to work! Fall is one of my favorite seasons! [[I do love all of the seasons..]]
Dixie Mae <3

Dixie Mae looking out the window

XoXo- Tiffany!

October 8, 2012

Show & Tell ---> The "IF" game

Here's another week of linking up with "Show & Tell" from Mrs. to Mama


1. If you could relive any memory in your life, tell us what it would be, and what/if anything you would change about it? 
My wedding day <3... my day went by way to fast!  I woke up at 5am to get ready and before I knew it it was 2am and I was finally going to bed. My mom did my hair in the morning, we went to the church and got ready. Brad & I did pictures before the ceremony ((I know, I know... how un-traditional....), we were able to have a private meeting just us & the photographer, we did all of our family & wedding party photos before the ceremony also. Our ceremony was "short & sweet", barely 30 minutes. We went to some local parks & took some more photos after. The reception was amazing, food was great, DJ was awesome, our blue polka dot cake was delicious, and our family & friends made the night absolutely perfect. After the reception we went to the pool & sat in the hot tub till 2am with Brad's fraternity brothers & some friends. 

If I could change anything... to try to sloooow the day down. Before I knew what was happening, the day was over! It was a wonderful day though, & I wouldn't change anything.

2. If you could be any celebrity or well-known person, show us who you would be.

Princess Catherine... who doesn't want to be a Princess?!

3. If you won the lottery, tell us would take the lump sum or take the money overtime, would you continue working or quit right away, would you reveal who you are, and what are some of the first things you would spend with your money?

Depending on how much money I won... large sum=lump sum... small sum=money overtime. I would probably continue to work. I get really bored just sitting at home, and I would miss working with kids everyday. I would tell my friends & family.. other then that.. why do people need to know!? With the money I would ---> pay off my student loans. buy a house in North Carolina for my family to vacation at. travel around the world for a couple months. get Brad & I new cars. give some to our parents for everything they've done for us. donate to Autism Speaks and an animal shelter.

4. If you could live anywhere, show us where it would be and tell us why.

 I want to live on the beach in North Carolina. I miss living by the ocean more than anything.

I loooove log homes. && being in the country/outdoors in Wisconsin. A log home on a lake is another must have.
5. If you could have one magic power, what would be and what would you do with it?
I'm a huge coward at night... I'm very scared of the dark and all of the "creepers" that are lurking around. So my power I would want would be Night Vision to be to see in the dark. && I'd also really like to be able to freeze things with my eyes. That way I can freeze the bad guys if they're ever after me.

I'll post an update tomorrow on mine & Brad's busy lives the past couple weeks. I feel like I haven't even written anything on here in a while. 

XoXo- Tiffany!  

October 3, 2012

Blog Party && Follow Me Wednesday!

I've been trying to think of some ways to get some new people to follow my blog. It's no fun feeling like no one is reading this thing. Yes, yes, I KNOW that people are... it does tell me how many views I get a day... but still... some more followers would make a girl super happy on a foggy, and crummy kind of day.

So- I linked up with Followers to Friends and Follow Me Wednesday.

Welcome to all of the new people looking around... it's a good time over here at mypracticallyperfectlife. Follow. & stay awhile. :]


XoXo- Tiffany!

October 1, 2012

Show & Tell ----> These Are a Few of My Favorite Things!

Show & Tell Mondays!

1. Tell us about your 5 favorite memories in your life.

 February 2007- the day I joined Alpha Xi Delta. Joining AXiD was one of the best decisions I ever made. I gained leadership skills, organization techniques, and I met the greatest group of women I'll ever know. my bid day was so exciting, to join this group of girls that inspired me was emotional. I just remember thinking "I hope I turn out as wonderful as them." My sisters have been my support system through my college years & beyond. I can't imagine my life without them.

Fall 2007- Studied Abroad
Going abroad was one of my smartest decisions. I traveled the world. Lived in a different country for 4 months. & met two of the greatest women in my life. I studied at Harlaxton College in Grantham, England... about a 4 hour drive from London. I lived in a castle. No lie. I had an amazing "meet-a-family" that I had dinner with every week. They were the nicest people- we still exchange Christmas cards to this day. :] I traveled to Germany, Ireland, Wales, France and other cities in England. Traveling gave me a sense of adventure and excitement- I'm a huge history buff so seeing all the things I've read about was awesome. I also met Leah and Marie. They studied at Harlaxton also and are from Indiana. I still talk with these girls and we try to see each other once a year. I thank my lucky stars that I met them. I missed my family & Brad like crazy but I was able to grow up and really "grow" into myself. 

December, 2010- Graduation from College
I spent 4.5 years in college. Graduating from college, with a BS in Education was one of the happiest days of my life. I spent my nights and weekends studying and working on projects. Finally being able to say I'm a college graduate- accomplishment. :]

June 11, 2011- My wedding day <3
Obviously this day is going to one of my happiest. Bradley & I have dated from April 23, 2003. There was no breaking up or dating other people during that time. Just me & him. We got engaged on Christmas Eve, December 24, 2009. Our wedding day was emotional- it was hard to believe that we were finally married. Our family & friends played a big part in making that day one of the happiest of my life. We were able to enjoy the time with each other, and with our family & friends. We partied until midnight at the reception & then went to the hotel pool & sat in the hot tub till 2 am with some of our closest friends. I didn't want the night to end. 

July 2011- Honeymoon
Our honeymoon was a great time- it was the "first" official trip that Bradley & I had ever been on together. Sure we've gone on weekend trips, and have traveled together in England, but normally there's been other people or we haven't gone very far on our trips. But our honeymoon- 5 hours in a car together was very entertaining. Brad LOVES to sing in the car --- and he's not the world's "best" singer. :] But he is really funny and tries to make the car ride enjoyable. We flew into Orlando, drove to Key Largo, spent 3 days in the Keys fishing & visiting, drove back to Orlando, went to Disney, and then went home. It was a great vacation! 

 2. Show us 3 of your favorite beauty products.

My "favorite" beauty products are kind of difficult because I don't really use that many beauty products. But here is what I DO use...

Bed Head Make Up
Bed Head Shampoo & Conditioner

Paul Mitchell Detangler Spray

 3. Tell us what your favorite TV shows are to watch.

 Criminal Minds. Revenge. Teen Mom. The Voice. Swamp People. Wild Justice. Alaska State Troopers. 
16 & Pregnant. Law & Order: SVU. How I Met Your Mother. The Big Bang Theory. Friends.  
Pretty Little Liars.
 4. Show us 2 of your favorite pictures.
Fishing with my Papa

my sisters, my parents, Bradley & I

5. Tell us your favorite things to do during "me time."

Reading. Scrapbooking. Watching movies. Playing on pinterest. Shopping. Doing crafts. Painting my nails. Traveling. Laying on the beach. Listening to music. Cuddling with my Dixie.

XoXo- Tiffany!

September 25, 2012

Where have the weeks gone?!

It's hard to think that it's going to be October next Monday already... Where has September gone!? It's been awhile since I've written an "actual" post about life lately... it's been pretty busy & I've just come down with cold. I don't feel like doing anything! .....But life must go one right?! & I'm sure I'll get over this cold very soon!

The past couple weeks have been very busy.

-Brad & I went to Hortonville a couple weeks ago to house sit for my parents while they went to Florida for the weekend. It was a nice little trip "home" even though it was just us and my sister Courtney. I had to work Saturday morning so Friday night was pretty low key. Then Saturday we went to visit with Barb & had dinner at her place! Sunday we were able to join my Grandmother at church, and then headed to her house to have lunch with her and my Papa. After lunch, Papa took Brad & I to visit "his" cows. My grandfather has two cows that he co-owns [[we don't get too attached to the baby cows- they'll be our food come spring...]] But the cows are pretty cute && there's baby pigs too! So precious!

-This past weekend we went to Milwaukee for the wedding of one of Brad's fraternity brothers Dan & his [new] wife Kristi! We headed down to Milwaukee and were able to meet up with my bestie Brittany and her fiance Andrew. Ellis joined along in the fun! We went to the old German Beer Hall and had some delicious German beer and German pretzels! Yumm! Saturday was Dan & Kristi's wedding. It was so beautiful! They both look happy & amazing. It was wonderful to see so many of Brad's fraternity brothers and other friends from college. Weddings are truly mini reunions for people.  After a long night of dancing, drinking, and laughing with friends, Sunday was spent sleeping and relaxing.

After everything going on the past couple weeks I seem to have gotten a cold now also! I've been miserable the last couple days and want nothing more than to sleep.... which is where I'm headed now!

We have weddings the next two weekends.. My cousin Rob's this weekend & a co-workers next weekend.. so I need to get better fast!
Medicine and my bed are my new best friends. :]

XoXo- Tiffany!

September 18, 2012

Me, Myself & I LinkUP [[September Edition]]

I found ANOTHER fun link up in the blogger world! I love getting to read other people's answers and finding out what makes them unique and an individual.

Here's the link if you'd like to join the fun!

So here you go... Me. Myself. && I. [[the September edition]]

1. When you're feeling down, what do you do to pick yourself up?
Depending on how "down" I'm feeling it ranges from ---> watching Disney movies, cuddling with my dog Dixie Mae, eating ice cream, crying while my husband cuddles with me, do a craft project, or go shopping.

2. If you had to live in a different time period which would you prefer?

I swear that I should have been born in the 1980's. The big hair. Neon colors. Madonna. Queen. Run DMC. I'm addicted to 80's movies Pretty in Pink, the Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Sixteen Candles, Valley Girl.
the year I was an 80's girl for Halloween

3. What is the most creative Halloween costume you've ever worn?

Halloween is my favorite holiday. I love love love getting dressed up! Some years I really try to think of different things to be. I've been a "babe magnet"... an 80's girl... a dalmatian... && Thing 1 [my husband was Thing 2] in the last 5 years...
Babe Magnet

The Dalmatian, the Farmer, & the Pirate

Thing 1 && Thing 2

4. Five weird things about you we wouldn't know without being told?

1. I love salt. My food normally isn't salty enough, I add salt to almost everything.
2. I put peanut butter on my waffles/french toast/pancakes.
3. I was a cheerleader for almost 10 years. && I was in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.
4. I only eat & write left handed. Everything else I do right handed.
5. When I was little my sisters & I weren't allowed to get our hair cut too short. My dad wasn't too fond of little girls with "boy" hair. I'm thankful for it now-- I <3 having long hair. [[most days]]

5. What would you tell your 16-year-old self?
-Don't let anyone tell you that dating "one guy" too long isn't a good idea. That guy is going to be your husband, && make you the happiest you've ever been.
-Stay true to yourself. Don't waste your time on "friends" that expect you to do everything there way. They aren't worth it in the end.
-Listen to your parents. They're trying to make you realize your better then you think you are. && they're helping you grow into a better woman.
-Pay attention in school. Even if you think the subject is "dumb", you never know what information you'll need one day.

XoXo- Tiffany!

September 16, 2012

Double Blue && Gold :]

I "officially" have two double sisters! I'm a member of Alpha Xi Delta [[the best sorority around- but I'm a little bias ;]....]]. Joining Alpha Xi Delta my freshman year of college was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I met the most amazing women, gained so many friends, gained leadership experience, experienced working with a team, lived [[&& survived living]] in a house with 7 other women, and joined a sisterhood that was started in 1893 by 10 amazing young women. There are 116 active chapters in the United States and roughly 150,000 initiated members. The vision of AXiD is "inspiring women to realize their potential." I can honestly say that I wouldn't be the woman I am today without Alpha Xi Delta.

My sister Courtney joined AXiD in fall of 2009. I was super excited that she had decided to go through recruitment. We both went to Marian and I was still an active [[undergrad]] member of AXiD at the time. I was EXTRA nervous the entire week- what if she didn't pick AXiD? But no fear- the women were super impressed with her, and she was impressed with Alpha Xi Delta! Yay! :] When they announced her name on bid day- [Courtney Pritchard ---> Alpha Xi Delta!] I cried. I was so excited that my sister was my DOUBLE sister! That she would be joining the amazing sorority that had already helped me grow in so many ways. I'm super proud of Courtney for her involvement in our chapter. I know that her and all the women have worked so hard to make the Theta Tau chapter an amazing organization. They're doing a great job! I'm going to be a little sad when Courtney goes alum!

Theta Tau Chapter at Alpha Xi Delta ---> circa 2009.

Double Sisters throwin' some "Xi Love"

Well... change the year to 2012 and you have the same situation with Chelsey. Except Chelsey goes to UW-Eau Claire. I talked with Chelsey about joining Greek life before she transferred to Eau Claire this year. It's a new school and joining Greek life is a GREAT way to meet new people on campus and become active in the school community. We talked every night this week during recruitment week, mainly just to see if she had questions about anything. Every night she was super excited- telling me how nice the girls were and how excited she was for the whole process. On Saturday afternoon she text me the best news! ---> "I'm an alpha xi! yay!". I was sooo excited! I'm still excited. I know that she's going to have a great time with the chapter and with Alpha Xi Delta in general. I can't wait to watch her grow into a great woman.

Chelsey is in the bottom row. Second from left. [[she has dark hair and is in the white shorts]]

Chelsey's chapter at UW-Eau Claire. Congrats ladies!

So congrats to Chelsey on joining the best sisterhood! And yay to Courtney & I for getting another DOUBLE sister!

In the spirit of recruitment... a little Alpha Xi Delta love to leave you with......

With an A, With an A, With an A-L-P 
With an A-L-P and a P-H-A
With an A-L-P and a P-H-A 
Alllllllpha Xi! 
Sing it, Sing it, Sing it, Sing it, Sing it to the sky 
Come on sisters, Come on Sisters, 
Shout till we die 
I'm so proud to be an Alpha Xi 

My Bid Day --- circa 2007

Me, Mindy & Brittany - best pledge class ever.

I hope that everyone has a fantastic week! Mine is going to be crazy busy! Eek!

XoXo! - Tiffany