October 19, 2015

Amelia- 10 months

Height: 28 inches
Weight: 19 pounds
Clothes: you wear 12 months/9-12 month old clothes
Diaper: size 3
Eating: You LOVE food! You get baby food and "big people" food.
Sleeping: Still normal schedule, morning nap, afternoon nap, go to "Bed" between 9-10pm and wake up around 5-6am.

Happening this month:
-You got your first top tooth!
-You love crawling and walking around the house with your elephant walker.
-You LOVE standing and pulling yourself up. Anything & everything is used to help you stand and used to walk around.
-You helped Oma can apples! You loved getting to play in the apple box.
-Mommy & Amelia went to Aunt Nicole's bridal shower. We're so excited for her & Uncle Matt
-We went to Nana's daughter Molly's wedding! You loved getting to dance with Opa, eat mashed potatoes, and playing with Nana's sparkly dress. It was a wonderful night spent with Grandpa & Nana AND Oma & Opa.
-We went to Little Farmer with Oma & Opa, Auntie Courtney, & Grandpa & Nana. You picked out your first pumpkin, checked out the goats, and got your picture taken lots.
-Mommy, Amelia & Oma went to Illinois for Aunt Brittany's baby shower! So excited for baby Klocek to arrive in November.
-We spent the night before the baby shower at Auntie Gail's house. We were able to go to the apple orchard in the morning before the shower.
-We had your first trip to a Disney store! We went to Milwaukee to meet up with Leah, stopped at the Disney store (got lots of presents!) and we went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner.

October 4, 2015

Amelia- 9 months

Height: 28 inches
Weight: 18 pounds
Clothes: 9-12 months/12 months
Diaper: size 3
Eating: You love food! You eat anything & everything that we give you. You get "baby food" at breakfast & lunch at daycare, but at home you get "big people" food. :] So far the only thing you're not in love with is broccoli.
Sleeping: You aren't such a fun of nap time; you normally take a 30 min. morning nap and then a longer afternoon nap. You go to bed around 9pm and sleep till 5am/6am. You sleep all night unless you're teething.

Happening this month:
-You still only have your 2 bottom teeth; no new ones this month.
-You normal crawl now & you're on the move!
-You still LOVE standing and now you can walk around holding onto the furniture or onto your elephant walker.
-It was a pretty low-key month since Mommy went back to teaching 4K.

August 23, 2015

Amelia- 8 Months

Height: 28 inches
Weight: 17 pounds(??)
Clothes: you wear 9 month/6-9 month old clothes
Diaper: size 3
Eating: You still love food! You still eat baby food but you get to enjoy "big people food" also at dinner time. You've had bananas, meatloaf,  hotdogs, rice, chicken, mushrooms, zucchini, mashed potatoes and rolls. You LOVED them all, especially the potatoes & mushrooms. You get very angry when people are eating food around you and don't give you any.
Sleeping: You officially sleep in your crib. It was rough for momma to move you to your room but you've done great. It hasn't affected your sleeping schedule at all.

Happening this month:
-You got your first 2 teeth!
-We went cherry picking with Oma! You had so much fun. Daddy gave you a taste of the tart cherries.
-You "monkey" crawl now! You use your arms and try to "walk" with the one leg while crawl with the other leg. It gets you around the house & where you need to be.
-You LOVE standing and pulling yourself up. Anything & everything is used to help you stand.
-We went to a wedding! One of Daddy's fraternity brothers got married (AJ & SAM!). You had fun being passed around by all of daddy's brothers.
-You are officially done with physical therapy. Ms. Alyssa said your clavicle break doesn't seem to affect you at all. Yay! :]]
-We went to the cottage with Grandma in Waupaca. You enjoyed playing in the lake with mommy, daddy, Grandma, Uncle Matt & Aunt Nicole.

August 3, 2015

Amelia is 7 Months

Oh goodness! Where has the time gone? Amelia Lee, you're 7 months old already! You've brought so much joy into our lives already these past 7 months. I'm so excited to watch you continue to grow.

Height: 28 inches
Weight: 17 pounds
Clothes: you wear 6-9 month old/9 month old clothes
Diaper: size 3
Eating: You LOVE food! You get very upset when you're food is all gone for the meal. We never have to worry about you not wanting to eat. You've been eating baby foods and you've had rolls (which you LOVED!)
Sleeping: We haven't switched you to your crib yet, you still sleep in the bassinet in our room. You go to bed between 7-8pm, wake up to feed around 10pm, and then go back to bed until (normally) 6am.You still take an am nap, an afternoon nap, and a little "cat" nap after dinner.  

Happening this month:
-you decided it was important to start "crawling" before you turned 7 months. One day before you turned 7 months, you start to army crawl. You pull yourself with your arms and push with your legs. You can't quite seem to figure out the whole crawling process yet so army crawling is how you get around.
-You started swimming lessons this month & you LOVE them! You definitely love being in the water and splashing around. 
-Your love of water also means that you LOVE bath time now! You love getting to play with your water toys and splashing in the water.  
-We celebrated the 4th of July at Grandma's house! You had so much fun playing in the water and being with family.
-You are such a happy baby. You LOVE being with your mommy & daddy. And playing with your puppies.
-You're starting to interact with your friends at daycare and you love to chat/play with them.
Happy 7 Months Miss Amelia! We can't wait to watch you grow each month.

July 14, 2015

Amelia- 6 Months

Happy 1/2 Birthday Amelia Lee!
Daddy & I are so blessed to have you in our lives. It's hard to believe you've only been here for 6 months.... we can't imagine what our lives would be like without you here. You bring so much joy & happiness with you!
Height: 28 inches
Weight: 16.5 pounds
Clothes: you're wearing 3-6 month/6 month old clothes 
Diaper: size 2
Eating: You LOVE food! You've been eating solids- cereal, bananas, green beans, pears, peaches. You love to "help" when you're eating and you make the biggest mess on your face! You still nurse every 3 hours during the day.
Sleeping: You're bassinet is still in our room- I love having you close while you're sleeping. You go to bed between 7-8pm, wake up to feed around 10pm, and then go back to bed until (normally) 6am.You still take an am nap, an afternoon nap, and a little "cat" nap after dinner.  

Happening this month:
-In the last month you've been scooting around on the floor more! We lay you down on your back and you're pushing your legs to move yourself around. This is a horrible habit and we're trying to turn you over to your belly to get you to crawl. No luck yet though!
-You love rolling over! You roll from your tummy to back and then back again.
-You are still OBSSESSED with your puppies! Dixie & Clementine are your best friends and anytime they're around you're talking and trying to get to them.
-You're becoming such a chatter box. You love talking when you're getting your diaper changed or when we're sitting on the couch. You can say "mama" and "dada" but it doesn't really mean us yet- you just say it in your chatting.
-Auntie Chelsey graduated from college this month! We took a trip to her graduation from Eau Claire. You staid in a hotel for the first time and you played in the pool! You LOVED the water!
-You were dedicated at church. Oma, Opa, Auntie Courtney, Auntie Chelsey & Todd, Grandma, Grandpa & Judy, Unlce Matt & Aunt Nicole, Great Grandma & Papa, and Great Grandma Plutz came to the church part. We then had a party at our house with all of your great aunts & uncles. Such a blessed day to celebrate your dedication to the Lord.

May 30, 2015

Amelia- 5 months

5 Months already... when they say time goes by fast- it certainly does!
Height: at your 4 month check up you were around 26 inches (in the 99%!)
so I'm guessing you're around 28 inches.
Weight: 15 pounds (that's a guess)
Clothes: all 3-6 month old clothes now, you're legs are starting to get too long for your pjs though.  
Diaper: size 2
Eating: You started to eat solids! So far we've given you bananas and green beans. You loved them both! You nurse every 3 hours and can sleep through the night. At daycare you take 3-4 bottles still.
Sleeping: Each night we put you to sleep in your bassinet between 9-10pm and you sleep until 4-5am.. Your bassinet is still in our room... and to be honest, you'll probably be staying there for awhile longer still! You still take an am nap, an afternoon nap, and a little "cat" nap after dinner.

Happening this month:
-We had our first Mother's Day! You made me a cute card at daycare along with a flower. And then you & Daddy gave me money to go get a massage. We went to the zoo to celebrate Mother's Day with Oma & Opa and Grandma. Then we went to Plutz family Mother's Day and spent time with everyone. It was a wonderful first Mother's Day!
-In the last month you've been scooting around on the floor more! We lay you down on your back and you're pushing your legs to move yourself around.
-You love rolling over!
-You've become obsessed with your puppies! anytime you see them you start smiling/laughing, talking to them and reaching for them.
-You went on your first "long" car ride to see Aunt Brittany & Andrew in Milwaukee. You did wonderful and slept for the whole time. We took you to Cabela's for the first time!
-You're becoming such a chatter box. You love talking when you're getting your diaper changed or when we're sitting on the couch.
-You're always a happy baby! You wake up smiling and you go to sleep smiling. The only times you cry are when you're hungry, sleepy, or need a diaper changed.

April 20, 2015

Amelia- 4 months

Oh Miss Amelia- 4 months already!? Where has the time gone! You've officially been in daycare for 2 months now... Which means mommy has been back to work for 2 months now. Every day I pick you up and you give me your big smile, it makes my heart melt.

On to your happenings for the month...

Height: 24 inches?
Weight: 13 pounds
Clothes: wearing 3-6 month pajamas and pants, some of your 0-3 onesies still fit you.  
Diaper: size 2
Eating: During the day you go about 2 1/2-3 hours between feedings. You take about 3 bottles (sometimes 4) at daycare each day. You nurse at home about 3-4 times each day.
Sleeping: Each night we put you to sleep in your bassinet between 9-10pm and you sleep until 3-4am. Your bassinet is still in our room, mommy just doesn't want to put you in your crib yet- you still look so little to me! And it's just so much more convenient for nursing to have you right next to me. You take a morning nap, and afternoon nap and sleep for a little "cat nap" at night. On the weekends you sleep in your crib in your room for nap time.
Happening this month:
-your PT was moved to only once a month! You're improving so much!
-You rolled over about a week before turning 4 months. Once you did it once, you're on a "roll" now and seem to do it every time we put you on the floor or on a blanket
-You've been a big "chatter box" this month! Any time we say something to you, you're always smiling and chatting back.
-you had your first Easter!
-It's finally spring time in Wisconsin! We've been able to go outside a couple times to enjoy the weather. We've laid on blankets and enjoyed the cool spring air.
-your 4 month old pictures were hilarious! you tried eating your headband and your 4 month sticker.


April 14, 2015

Hoppy Easter!

We celebrated Easter at the beginning of April, and goodness it's different celebrating when you have kids! Even though Amelia is only 3 months old, she made celebrating Easter even more exciting than other years. We spent the evening before at m parents house, playing games with them and my Aunt Gail & her husband Nick. It was a great evening!

Mommy helped Amelia find her basket!
Easter morning we woke up, had a delicious pancake breakfast and then Amelia "looked" for her Easter baskets. Brad & I got her a 101 Dalmatians (finally out on DVD!), some new books, and a Minnie Mouse towel. My parents got her a basket with a new book and LOTS of new clothes.

Are both of these baskets for me?!
We went to Barb's family's Easter after. It was so nice to see everyone and spend time celebrating the day. Barb gave Amelia an Easter basket with lots of new clothes in it! Brad's cousin Katie dressed up as the Easter Bunny- Amelia took her picture with her! (Even though Bradley & I don't believe in telling our children that the Easter Bunny is real, we didn't mind if Amelia took a picture with Katie. We plan on being honest and telling our children that it's just pretend....). The kids all had an Easter egg hunt and received little gift bags with bubbles, chalk, etc. So cute! 
We then went back to my parents' house to have dinner with my family. My Grandma & Papa gave Amelia a new swim robe/cover up and a new bonnet to wear this summer. And my Aunt Gail gave Amelia a bunch of new clothes also! Such a spoiled little girl!

It was a wonderful family day. We're so blessed to have Amelia here with us now!

xoxo, Tiffany

March 31, 2015

Amelia- 3 months

I'm about 2 weeks late posting this, but better late than never right?! Amelia is 3 months old already! She's getting bigger and bigger every time I look at her.

Height: 24 inches? I really have no idea how to tell... you're too long for your 0-3 months clothes...
Weight: my guess is at least 12 pounds since you have moved up a size in clothing
Clothes: wearing 3-6 month pajamas and pants, you still wear 0-3 onesies.  
Diaper: size 2
Eating: During the day you go about 2 1/2-3 hours between feedings. You take about 3 bottles (sometimes 4) at daycare each day. You nurse at home about 3-4 times each day.
Sleeping: You take a morning nap and an afternoon nap. Each night we put you to sleep in your bassinet between 9-10pm and you sleep until 3-4am. You're doing wonderful sleeping through the night!
Happening this month:
-you continue to go to PT each month for your shoulder. You're getting stronger and stronger every day.
-You're trying to roll over! You roll over to your side and then seem to get stuck there.
-You're smiling and laughing more & more. You love your mommy & daddy and smile every time you see us!
-you had your first "spirit week" at school! you looked so cute in your clothes for "Hawaii Day, Super Hero Day, Character Day, and Sunglasses/Crazy Hair Day".
-the weather finally started to feel like spring & you were able to go outside for a couple minutes! Other then going to the car you haven't been outside... you were a little unsure about the brightness but you loved sitting with us in your blanket!


February 21, 2015

Amelia- 2 months

It's hard to believe that it's already almost the end of February and that Amelia is already 2 months old. Where has the time gone?! We are loving this little lady and all of  the fun new happenings going on.
Height: about 23 1/4 inches
Weight: 11 pounds, 1 ounce
Clothes: she's wearing 0-3 months clothes comfortably, although she's starting to be
too long for some of the clothes and pj's.
Diaper: size 1
Eating: During the day you go about 2 1/2-3 hours between feedings. You take about 3 bottles (sometimes 4) at daycare each day.  
Sleeping: You still love your sleep! But you have been staying awake between feedings more. Each night we put you to bed in your bassinet between 9-11pm and you normally wake up once to feed. You take naps between each feedings. 
Happening this month:
-you started daycare (3 weeks ago). you love your teachers Ms. Hannah & Ms. Tara. There's 7 other children in your class. You're the youngest in the room (right now).
-you love swinging in your swing. && you LOVE music!
-you have Oma/Amelia days every Wednesday. Oma gets to love on you when you spend your day with her.
-you are constantly holding your head up! your neck muscles are very strong. You've been going to PT for your right arm/shoulder and you're moving it tons now.  
-you still love your cat seat. you hate going in but you instantly fall asleep once you start moving.
-you're smile when we talk to you and you're starting to giggle and "coo".
-you got your first cold this week. :[[ you've been pretty miserable with your runny nose and cough.
Ohhh Amelia- it's been such a joy to have you in our lives these past 2 months. We're totally smitten with you and we enjoy watching you grow & develop each day.

January 23, 2015

In 2015 ((Happy New Year))

Now that January is almost over I realized that I never wrote down my resolutions goals for 2015. Not so much resolutions, people tend to break those by now... but I'd like to write down things I'd like to accomplish or things I'd like to do during the year. I think it'll be fun to look back at the end of the year and see what I've accomplished (or haven't).

My goals for the year-

*travel... We're already planning to take Amelia to Florida & to Disney. (on a random side note-- I can't wait to go to Florida and to eat seafood. Yum! Nothing like fresh seafood)

*traveling in Wisconsin. visiting more places in this gorgeous state.

*read more books. I have a couple books waiting to be read from last summer.

*cooking. I'd love to try new recipes. New healthy recipes.

*more time outside. enjoying the weather. taking Amelia to the park. swimming. hiking. biking.

*unplugging from technology. enjoying the moment. and not looking at life through a phone screen.

*connection time. enjoying moments with our new little family of 3 (5 if you include the puppies :]]). spending time with my family and my in-laws. spending time with friends.

Here's to 2015. I hope this year brings health, happiness, and great memories. I'm excited to see what this year has in store for us.

*I hope 2015 brings memories as beautiful as this one*

Xo, Tiffany 


January 18, 2015

Amelia: 1 Month Old

My baby is a month old already! Where did the time go? We've survived our first month and seem to be getting the hang of everything.

Height: about 22 inches
Weight: about 10 pounds I'm guessing,
she weighed a little less than 10 lbs at her appointment last week
Clothes: we've been wearing 0-3 and 3 month clothes since she was born. She's soo long that newborn clothes 
Diaper: size 1
Eating: We've made it our first month breastfeeding. We've been waking you up every 3 hours to eat if you don't wake up sooner. At night lately it's been a battle to keep you awake though to eat so you could probably sleep longer if we let you. During the day you eat every 3 hours but sometimes we barely make it 2 hours. I pump after each day feeding and Daddy gives you a bottle at night so mommy can sleep a little longer, and so you can get used to a bottle before going to daycare.
Sleeping: You've been sleeping in your bassinet in our room perfectly. We put you in your swaddle after your last feeding and you normally go right to sleep. Some nights your wide awake from 10-midnight and other nights your good to go. Once you're asleep you sleep until we wake you up to feed you- normally around 1am and 5am. Some nights I think you could keep sleeping and we have to wake you up to eat.
Happening this month:
-you get loved on constantly by your doggies- Clementine is always following where you are to make sure you're ok, and anytime you cry she's right there giving you kisses.
-you celebrated your first Christmas! your Grandma, Uncle Matt & Aunt Nicole came over to celebrate on Christmas Eve, and then Oma, Opa, Auntie Courtney & Auntie Chelsey & Todd came over on Christmas. And then Grandpa Bogie and Judy came the day after to celebrate with us. It was a busy three days! You slept the whole time (you were only a week old) and you were very spoiled by everyone!
-you are constantly holding your head up! your neck muscles are very strong. You've been going to PT for your right arm/shoulder and it's been gaining strength every day!
-you don't mind going in your car seat, you cry at first but then quickly fall asleep and you'll sleep the whole time as long as we don't take you out.
-you're starting to smile (not sleeping smiles) and I'm so excited to see how your little personality grows.
Miss Amelia- you are such a joy to have! Daddy & I couldn't love you any more than we do. You're such an easy baby and we love to cuddle you. I'm so excited to watch you continue to grow and watch your accomplishments. I know that the Lord has wonderful things planned for you. We love you Miss Amelia!